
Erin is an award-winning public speaker and is available to give talks on autism and neurodiversity for schools, libraries and church groups.


Erin has experience of presenting in churches and faith-based organisations. She can deliver training on how churches can best support autistic people in their congregations.

She is based in Northern Ireland, although is willing to travel further afield.

If interested, please email erin.ruth99 @ gmail.com



Feedback from past events:

“You gave us such a rich, honest and powerful perspective as a person with Autism. Your honesty and heart will have impacted everyone attending. I pray that the mustard seed you planted will grow and flourish.” – attendee of Autism and the Church event in Belfast, Northern Ireland

“I really enjoyed it and you were fantastic. The way you articulated the information was great and so informative.” – attendee of Autism and the Church event in Cumbernauld, Scotland



Erin can visit primary and secondary schools in Northern Ireland to deliver talks and interactive workshops. Her preferred age range is Primary 5 upwards.

Through her talks, Erin aims to inspire young authors as well as explaining the practicalities of getting your work out there. She will happily answer any questions. At the end there will be an opportunity to purchase signed books.

During multi-session workshops, pupils will work through a booklet on story writing accompanied by games and interactive whiteboard activities. Pupils are encouraged to share their work and writing-themed prizes are awarded for effort.

Always remember, the only way to be a good writer is to keep writing!

If interested, please email erin.ruth99 @ gmail.com
