This month marks one year since I moved back to Northern Ireland after several years away, and it has been interesting to observe how different life is here compared to the cosmopolitan cities I lived in before. Not better, not worse – just different. Most of you who follow this blog are probably here for […]
Seeking Meaning From Mystery
Part 1 – A Chance Encounter I recently had a serendipitous chance encounter that prompted me to think more about the many different ways Christianity can be expressed. I was on the ferry from Belfast to Cairnryan and it was rather busy, so I ended up sharing a table with an elderly couple. Not long […]
The Ramblings of an Autistic Christian
If I had to encapsulate my religious outlook in one sentence, I would invert the oft-cited phrase ‘spiritual, but not religious’ and instead say I am ‘religious, but not spiritual’. I have always had a deep-seated interest in religion, and I love the traditions, community and way of life which Christianity provides. Yet I have […]
Author Interview #7: N. P. Beckwith
N.P. Beckwith is a professional chiropractor, former educator, casual artist, and undocumented theologian. Occasionally, on a dare, and at great risk to those he loves, he writes a novel. He believes that he who finds a wife finds a good thing, and that children are a heritage from the Lord. That being said, he is currently satisfied with […]
Author Interview #6: Shirley-Anne McMillan
This week’s featured author is Shirley-Anne McMillian, a local young adult author. Find out more at her website. Shirley-Anne McMillan lives in South Down with her family where she works as a writer, and schools worker. In 2014, she won the SCBWI Undiscovered Voices competition with an extract from A Good Hiding which was published […]
Author Interview #5: Erin Pearson
The fifth interview is with Erin Pearson, a former Flagship Fiction author with a great first name! 😉 E.L. Pearson has rarely been seen without a book in her hand. Naturally, this opportunity to share with others the story God placed upon her heart has represented the apex of her life’s dreams. From early on, […]
Author Interview #4: Jane Talbot
My fourth Friday interview is with a champion of raising awareness of female authors in Northern Ireland, Jane Talbot. Jane Talbot is a writer and storyteller based in County Antrim. Promoting storytelling and reading aloud as important means of human connection, she creates written narratives that follow conventions associated with the oral tradition and that are designed […]
Author Interview #3: Glison Angela Lehto
For the third Friday author interview I had the pleasure of speaking to the latest author to join us at Flagship Fiction, Glison Angela Lehto. She is the author of Miss Aqua and the Fear Monster. Glison Angela Lehto lives in rural Maine, where she was raised by wild lake-mermaids. Although she has dreamed of […]
Author Interview #2: Ellie Rose McKee
My second author interview is with Ellie Rose McKee, a fellow Northern Irish author and the person who designed this website! Ellie Rose McKee is author of four books. Lover of travel, art, and chocolate cake, she loves making mess and YouTube videos. Find out more about Ellie at 1) How long have you been […]
Author Interview #1: Jo Zebedee
Today marks the start of a series of posts where I will interview an author every Friday. If you are an author interested in being interviewed, please contact me. The first interview is with fellow Northern Irish author Jo Zebedee. I write science fiction and fantasy in a little corner of Northern Ireland. Sometimes I […]